Halloween Hoops

Halloween Hoops

Halloween Hoops is an exhilarating macabre basketball event on the spooky grounds of the local cemetery playground. This is not your typical hoop; it's a creepy experience. The atmosphere is intriguing, with zombie defenders on the court and ghosts granting bonus points. Are you ready to shoot a few hoops in this fascinating basketball game? Let's get the game rules and strategy straight!

How to play

Begin by selecting a character for this creepy basketball game. Each character has their own collection of skills and abilities that will prove useful when confronted with a problem. The goal is to make as many baskets as possible while dodging zombie defenders. Take advantage of the goodies scattered across the court. Use your dribbling and shooting skills to put the ball into the ghostly hoops. Aim correctly and time your shots properly.


Whether you are playing on a computer or a mobile device, you aim and shoot the ball. Click to make each throw.

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