Police Real Chase Car Simulator

Police Real Chase Car Simulator

Police Real Chase Car Simulator is the best simulation game because it lets you play in the most open-world way possible and gives you the most realistic driving experience. Even though completing missions can be hard, you can still have fun as long as you drive often and try out a variety of stunts. If you want to get really good at this game, you have to figure out how to complete missions while driving around in regular traffic. As you play the game, you'll eventually finish the amazing mission and be able to drive your police car along a variety of paths that link the buildings. In one of the best free car driving simulator games, you can show off how good you are at driving and do some amazing things with your car.

W -Accelerate
S -Backward
A -Steer Left
D -Steer Right
C -Change Camera
R -Reset Car
Space – Jump
L -Shift – Sprint / Nitro
M -Map
F -Car Enter/Exit
I -Instructions
P/Esc -Pause
H -Police Siren
Q -Roll
E -Inventory
Z -Missions
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