Hydro Racing 3D

Hydro Racing 3D

Experience the excitement of boat racing in many locations inside the Hydro Racing 3D universe. Be ready to experience the fastest-speed boats with wind in your face. Great navigation and engineering allow the boat to successfully traverse five different settings. You will get to show off your expert racing skills in the most stunning race on earth. Go solo or use the two-player option to race with your closest buddy. Successfully navigate freeride mode by moving openly and freely. Beyond racing, there are a ton of free map activities and intriguing career mode chapters to enjoy. 

How to play

Player 1

  • Moves with W,A,S, and D.
  • L-SHIFT is nitrogen.
  • R restart.
  • Switch for camera view: C

Player 2

  • Moving with the arrow keys
  • Nitrous: O
  • Restart: I
  • Change Camera View: K

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